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Individual exercises


Continue documenting the results the same way.

Keep in mind that the documentation should correctly display with the images in the web interface of GitHub! You need to verify this during the submission: open the repository in the browser and switch to your branch; GitHub will automatically render the file with the images.

Exercise 6 (1p)

Repeat the queries on the Product table, but instead of fetching the entire record, only get the ID and the Price columns. How do the execution plans change? Explain the differences!

Exercise 7 (1p)

Analyze the following queries executed on the Product table:

  • k) query records where the primary key is between two values (use the BETWEEN operator)
  • l) query records where the primary key is between two values (use the BETWEEN operator), or it is equal to a value that falls outside of this range

Document the SQL commands you used and explain the actual query execution plan!

Exercise 8 (1p)

In exercise 6, WHERE Price= compared an integer and a floating-point number. Let us experiment with other comparisons: query records from the Product table with the following filter criteria.

  • m) where cast(Price as int) = integer number
  • n) where Price BETWEEN integer number-0.0001 AND integer number+0.0001

Choose a random integer number in these queries and fetch only the primary key. Analyze the execution plans.

Exercise 9 (1p)

Analyze the following queries execute on the Product table:

  • o) query entire records where Price is less than a constant value (the filter should yield few matches), ordered by ID descending
  • p) the same, but fetch only ID and Price
  • q) query entire records where Price is greater than a constant value (the filter should yield many matches), ordered by ID descending
  • r) the same, but fetch only ID and Price

Document the SQL commands you used and explain the actual query execution plan!

Exercise 10 (1p)

Create a new index for the Name column and analyze the following queries executed on the Product table:

  • s) query names and IDs where the name begins with B - use function SUBSTRING
  • t) the same, but now using LIKE
  • u) query names and IDs where the name contains a B (LIKE)
  • v) query the ID of a product where the name equals (=) a string
  • w) the same, but now compare case-insensitively using UPPER

Document the SQL commands you used and explain the actual query execution plan!

Exercise 11 (1p)

Analyze the following queries executed on the Product table:

  • x) get the maximum of Id
  • y) get the minimum of Price

Document the SQL commands you used and explain the actual query execution plan!

Exercise 12 (1p)

Query the number of products per category (CategoryId).

Document the SQL commands you used and explain the actual query execution plan!

Exercise 13 (1p)

How could we improve on the performance of the previous query? Explain and implement the solution and repeat the previous query.


You need to add a new index. The question is: to which column?

Exercise 14 (1p)

List the Name of each Product where CategoryId equals 2.

Document the SQL commands you used and explain the actual query execution plan! Explain whether the index added in the previous exercises helps the performance.

Exercise 15 (1p)

Improve the performance of the previous query. Extend the index added before by including the name: right-click the index -> Properties -> and add Name to Included columns.

Repeat the previous query and analyze the plan.

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