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Exercise 3: Querying and modifying orders

You can earn 5 points with the completion of this exercise.

In this exercise, we will implement CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations for Order entities. This exercise is similar to the previous one; feel free to look back to the solutions of that exercise.

The properties of Model.Order are:

  • ID: the ID of the database serialized using ToString
  • Date, Deadline, Status: taken from the database directly
  • PaymentMethod: taken from the Method field of the PaymentMethod complex entity
  • Total: the cumulative sum of the product of Amount and Price for all items associated with this order (OrderItems)

You will need to implement the management methods related to orders: ListOrders, FindOrder, InsertOrder, DeleteOrder, and UpdateOrder.

Before starting the tasks below, do not forget to add and initialize an orderCollection in the repository class similar to the other one.


  1. Method ListOrders receives a string status parameter. If this value is empty or null (see: string.IsNullOrEmpty) list all orders. Otherwise, list orders where the Status field is identical to the status received as a parameter.

  2. Method FindOrder returns the data of a single order identified by string id. If no record with the same ID exists, this method shall return null.


  1. Implement the method InsertOrder. The following information is provided to create the new order: Order order, Product product, and int amount.

  2. You need the set the following information in the database entity:

    • CustomerID, SiteID: find a chosen Customer in the database and copy the values from this record from fields _id and mainSiteId. Hard-wire these values in code.
    • Date, Deadline, Status: take these values from the value received as order parameter
    • PaymentMethod: create a new instance of PaymentMethod. The Method should be PaymentMethod from the object received through the order parameter. Leave Deadline as null.
    • OrderItems: create a single item here with the following data:
      • ProductID and Price: take the values from the parameter product
      • Amount: copy value from the method parameter amount
      • Status: equals to the Status field of parameter order
    • other fields (related to invoicing) should be left as null!


DeleteOrder should delete the record specified by the ID.


When updating the record in UpdateOrder, only update the information present in Models.Order: Date, Deadline, Status, and PaymentMethod. Ignore the value Total; it does not need to be considered in this context.

You can combine multiple updates using Builders<Entities.Order>.Update.Combine.

Keep in mind that the IsUpsert property should be set to false in the update!

The method should return true if there were a record with a matching ID.


You can test the functionalities using the Orders link in the test web app. Verify the behavior of Filter, Add new order, Edit, Details, and Delete too!


Create a screenshot of the web page listing the orders after successfully adding at least one new order. Save the screenshot as f3.png and submit it with the other files of the solution. The screenshot shall display the list of orders. Verify that your Neptun code is visible on the image at the bottom of the page! The screenshot is required to earn the points.

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