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Exercise 3: Denormalize invoices

You can earn 6 points with the completion of this exercise.

New column

Update the Invoice table by adding a new ItemCount integer column that contains the number of items on the invoice (regarding the InvoiceItems records associated with each invoice).


The code for adding the column shall be submitted in file f3-column.sql. The file shall contain a single alter table statement and should not include any use or go commands. You can earn 1 point with the completion of this task. This task is a prerequisite for the next ones.

Write T-SQL code block to fill this new column with the correct values.

If an Invoice has an associated item with 2 red beach balls and another item with 1 tennis racket, then there are 3 items on this invoice. Note that it is invoices (and not orders) you have to consider here!


Submit the code in file f3-fill.sql. The file shall contain a single T-SQL code block. Do not use stored procedures or triggers here, and the code should not have any [use] or go statements either. You can earn 1 point with the completion of this task.

Maintaining the correct value

Create a trigger with the name InvoiceItemCountMaintenance that ensures the value in this new column is updated when an invoice or related items are updated. The trigger must be efficient! Re-calculating the number of items is not an acceptable solution. The trigger must also work correctly when multiple items are updated at the same time.


The trigger shall be on the InvoiceItem table despite the new column being in the Invoice table.


Do not forget that triggers are executed per statement and not for each row; that is, your trigger will need to handle multiple changes in the implicit tables! The inserted and deleted implicit variables are tables must be treated as such.


Submit the code of the trigger in file f3-trigger.sql. The file shall contain a single create trigger statement and should not contain any use or go commands. The correct behavior earns you 4 points. Partially incorrect behavior earns you partial points.

Verify the correct behavior of the trigger! The test code need not be submitted, but make sure to verify the behavior. Make sure to check the case when multiple records are modified with a single statement, e.g., execute an update without a where condition).


Create a screenshot displaying the contents of the table Invoice with the ItemCount column and its correctly filled values. Save the screenshot as f3.png and submit it with the other files of the solution. The screenshot shall display the database name (which should be your Neptun code) in the Object Explorer window and the contents of the Invoice table. The screenshot is required to earn the points of this part of the exercise.

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