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Exercise 2: Validating invoices

You can earn 6 points with the completion of this exercise.

Stored procedure

Create a store procedure with the name CheckInvoice that expects an int input parameter with the name @invoiceid.

  • The procedure shall check the invoice corresponding to the provided id: check each InvoiceItem whether the Amount equals the amount on the corresponding OrderItem. (InvoiceItem directly references the corresponding OrderItem.)
  • If there are any differences, print the amount values in both, and print the related product name as follows: Error: Ball (invoice 5 order 6)
  • The procedure should print any message only if an error was found. Do not leave test output in the submitted code!
  • The procedure return value shall be an int equal to 0 when no discrepancies were found and 1 in case one was identified. This value should be return-ed at the end of the procedure (do not use an output parameter).

Use the print command for output as follows: PRINT 'Text' + @variable + 'Text' Any variable you print must be of character type. To convert a number to characters use: convert(varchar(5), @variable), e.g. PRINT 'Text' + convert(varchar(5), @variable)


Write the stored procedure code in file f2-procedure.sql. The file should contain a single create proc statement! The correct behavior earns you 4 points. Partially incorrect behavior earns you partial points.

Validate all invoices

Write T-SQL code that calls the procedure on all invoices. You should use a cursor to iterate all invoices.

The code shall print the ID of the invoice (e.g., InvoiceID: 12) before checking an invoice. If an invoice contains no discrepancies, print 'Invoice ok' before moving on to the next one. Check the Messages pane under the query window for the messages.

Invoking a stored procedure

Invoking a stored procedure is performed with the exec statement:

declare @checkresult int
exec @checkresult = CheckInvoice 123

Verify the correct behavior of this code. You might need to alter a few records in the database to have any discrepancies. (The testing code does not need to be submitted.)


Submit the code checking all invoices in file f2-check-all.sql. The file shall contain the T-SQL code. It should not include the stored procedure nor any use or go commands. You can earn 2 points with the completion of this task.


Create a screenshot of the output when a discrepancy was found. Save the screenshot as f2.png and submit it with the other files of the solution. The screenshot shall display the database name (which should be your Neptun code) in the Object Explorer window and the output messages too.

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