Exercise 1: Category view and data insertion¶
You can earn 8 points with the completion of this exercise.
Create a view¶
Create a new CategoryWithParent
view that lists the Category
table's contents as follows. It should have two columns: the Name
of the category and the name of the parent category (or null if it does not exist).
Open a new Query window. Make sure to select the correct database. Create the view by executing the T-SQL command below.
create view CategoryWithParent
select c.Name CategoryName, p.Name ParentCategoryName
from Category c
left outer join Category p on c.ParentCategoryId = p.ID
Check the contents of the view!
Insert via the view¶
Create a trigger with the name InsertCategoryWithParent
that allows inserting a new category through the view (that is, by specifying the category name and the parent category name). It is not necessary to set a parent category. Still, if it is specified and there is no category with the provided name, an error should be raised, and the operation aborted.
You will need an instead of trigger that allows us to define how to insert the data. The skeleton of the trigger is provided below.
create trigger InsertCategoryWithParent -- name of the trigger
on CategoryWithParent -- name of the view
instead of insert -- trigger code executed insted of insert
declare @newname nvarchar(255) -- variables used below
declare @parentname nvarchar(255)
-- using a cursor to navigate the inserted table
declare ic cursor for select * from inserted
open ic
-- standard way of managing a cursor
fetch next from ic into @newname, @parentname
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
-- check the received values available in the variables
-- find the id of the parent, if specified
-- throw error if anything is not right
-- or insert the record into the Category table
fetch next from ic into @newname, @parentname
close ic -- finish cursor usage
deallocate ic
Finish this trigger by completing the code in the cycle.
If a parent category name is provided, check whether any category with the same name as
exists. -
If not, raise an error and abort the trigger.
If everything is fine, insert the data into the
table (and not the view... since the view does not store any data, hence this trigger).
Submit the code of the trigger in file
. The file should contain a singlecreate trigger
statement! Do not add[use]
commands to the file! The correct behavior earns you 4 points. -
Verify the correct behavior of the trigger! Write an insert statement that successfully inserts a new category record through the view. Then write an insert statement that fails.
Suppose that the database is in its initial state: the categories in the table are the ones included in the initializer script. The two tests should not depend on each other. Both shall produce the expected output regardless of whether the other was executed before!
Use simple names
It is recommended to use names (i.e., category names) that contain no special characters. Incorrect encoding of the SQL file might result in incorrect behavior otherwise. E.g., you may use the LEGO category as a known existing category.
Write the test insert statements into files
. Each file shall contain a singleinsert
statement! They should not include anyuse
commands. Each file can earn you 2 points.