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Exercise 3: Task operations

Implement two new endpoints in the controller handling tasks that alter existing tasks as follows.

You can earn 3-3 points with the completion of these exercises.

Marking a task as done

The flag Task.Done signals that a task is completed. Create a new http endpoint that uses the ITasksRepository.MarkDone method to set this flag on a task instance.

Request: PATCH /api/tasks/neptun/{id}/done with {id} being the tasks ID.


  • 404 Not found if no such task exists.
  • 200 OK if the operation was successful - returns the task in the body after the modification is done.

Move to a new status

A task is associated with status through Task.StatusId (or similar). Create a new http endpoint that uses the ITasksRepository.MoveToStatus method to change the status of the specified tasks to a new one. If the new status with the provided name does not exist, create one.

Request: PATCH /api/tasks/neptun/{id}/move?newStatusName=newname with

  • {id} is the task's ID,
  • and the name of the new status is received in the newStatusName query parameter.


  • 404 Not found if no such task exists.
  • 200 OK if the operation was successful - returns the task in the body after the modification is done.


Create a screenshot in Postman (or an alternative tool you used) that shows an arbitrary request and response from the two above. Save the screenshot as f3.png and submit it with the other files of the solution. The screenshot shall include both the request and the response with all details (URL, body, response code, response body). Verify that your Neptun code is visible in the URL! The screenshot is required to earn the points.

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