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Exercise 2: Task operations

In this exercise, we will implement the basic services for tasks.

You can earn 6 points with the completion of this exercise.

Preparation with Entity Framework

The task entity is represented by the class Model.Task. It has a unique ID, a text Title, a Done flag to signal completion, and a Status field referencing the status of this task (with 1-* multiplicity).

Define the Entity Framework model first:

  1. Define the Entity Framework data model of this entity in class DAL.EfDbContext.DbTask. The referenced status should be a proper navigation property!

  2. Add the new DbSet field to class TasksDbContext.

  3. Specify the configuration of the mapping of this entity in OnModelCreating. Make sure to configure the navigation property here correctly!

  4. Add some initial ("seed") data, as seen previously.

Operations in the repository

Create a new class, TasksRepository, in the DAL folder that implements the existing ITasksRepository interface. Implement the following operations:

  • IReadOnlyCollection<Task> List(): lists all available tasks
  • Task FindById(int taskId): returns the single task with the specified ID if it exists; returns null otherwise
  • Task Insert(CreateTask value): adds a new task to the database with the specified title and associates it with the specified status; if no status with the provided name exists, create a new status record; the return value is the new task entity as created in the database with its assigned ID
  • Task Delete(int taskId): deletes the specified task; return value is the task (state before deletion), or null if the task does not exist

You don't need to implement the other operations yet; however, an implementation needs to be provided so that the code compiles. You may use throw new NotImplementedException(); as a placeholder for now.


You will need to map the database entity to the model class in the repository. It is recommended to create a ToModel helper method, as seen previously. When querying the tasks, you will need the associated status record too (to get the name). You will need to use an .Include().

Operations on the REST Api

Create a new TasksController in the Controllers folder. The controller shall handle REST queries on URL /api/tasks/neptun where the last part is your own Neptun code lowercase.

The controller shall take an ITasksRepository as a parameter. For the dependency injection framework to resolve this in runtime, further configuration is needed. In the Startup class, register this interface and its corresponding implementation in the method ConfigureServices similarly to how the other repository is registered. (The controller does not need registration.)

Implement the following operations using the previously implemented repository methods:

  • GET /api/tasks/neptun: returns all tasks; response code is always 200 OK
  • GET /api/tasks/neptun/{id}: gets a single task; response code is 200 OK or 404 Not found
  • POST /api/tasks/neptun: add a new task based on a Dto.CreateTask instance specified in the body; the response code is 201 Created with the new entity in the body and an appropriate Location header
  • DELETE /api/tasks/neptun/{id}: deleted a task; response code is 204 No content or 404 Not found


Create a screenshot in Postman (or an alternative tool you used) that shows an arbitrary request and response from the list above. Save the screenshot as f2.png and submit it with the other files of the solution. The screenshot shall include both the request and the response with all details (URL, body, response code, response body). Verify that your Neptun code is visible in the URL! The screenshot is required to earn the points.

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